"Relaxing into Healing" guided meditation podcast

I just added an episode to our Meditation Oasis podcast called "Relaxing into Healing". It's a very simple, direct approach to healing, and probably quite different from most guided meditations for healing.

The meditation is based on the idea that healing is in the nature of life. The natural intelligence of the body and psyche is always moving in the direction of healing. We can cooperate with this natural process of healing by being open to it, relaxing so that the maximum energy is available for healing, and allowing whatever needs to be healed to come fully into our awareness.

Being open to healing -- In the beginning of the meditation, we set the intention to open to healing. This way we become more receptive to the process of healing.

Relaxing to free up energy for healing -- We relax by letting go of resistance to whatever we are experiencing in our body, mind and emotions. Resistance takes energy, and we want to let that energy be used for healing.

Allowing what needs healing into our awareness -- Finally, the guided meditation encourages you to allow everything to come into your awareness that needs healing. The idea isn't to start thinking about it and analyzing it, but to simply experience it. Our attention is a beam of intelligent energy. Simply having something in our awareness brings energy to it. It may be a situation, an emotion or something in the body that needs healing. The meditation encourages you to simply allow yourself to experience whatever needs to be healed without judgment. In this way you hold a compassionate space for yourself to heal.

Emotional Ease Meditation

My most recent podcast episode is a guided meditation for "emotional ease". Those words may conjure up a vision of euphoria or floating in a comfortable cloud, but that's not what it means. Although you'll hopefully feel more relaxed and at ease after the meditation, it will be a result of being able to actually stay present to your emotions rather than resisting them or becoming mentally involved with them. Emotional ease is about being present to what is happening without struggling with it, and that includes feeling all emotions including those you may not want to feel, such as sadness, grief and anger.

Ease in living is not about life being easy. Life isn't easy! It's about the ability to flow with what happens, the "good" and "bad" events and the "pleasant" and "unpleasant" reactions to those events. While some guided meditations give us some respite from life's storms and a chance to relax by encouraging visualizations of beautiful, relaxing places, my approach is to encourage surrender to whatever is happening right here, right now. While it can be helpful at times to escape, peace in life ultimately comes from being able to remain right in the heart of the storm (whether it is a storm of events or an emotional storm). I hope this latest meditation will help some of you with that!

Take a relaxing break now! Guided meditation podcast.

Yours for the enjoying is an episode from our Meditation Oasis podcast. It's the first track of our Pure Relaxation CD, a guided meditation with music to use anytime you need a relaxing break but don't have a lot of time.

Most of the people viewing this blog are already listening to our podcasts on iTunes. This is for those of you who aren't. Hope you enjoy it!

If you'd like to hear more, find us on iTunes or visit our Meditation Oasis web page.