Three years ago today our first podcast episode went up on iTunes. And now there have been almost 3 million downloads. We never dreamed that so much would come out of the podcast, for us and our listeners, and we're celebrating that today. Of all of the things we've done over the years with meditation and personal growth, I'd have to say this has been the most rewarding.
We hear from our listeners almost daily, and are often amazed at the profound impact the meditations are having on so many peoples' lives. It doesn't get better than this -- to know something you've done has helped another along the way. And yet we know that the positive changes you experience aren't really about us. Your openness to meditation, your willingness to grow and change, are what makes this happen. The podcast is a joint effort in every sense of the word. What we hear from you - your experiences, questions, comments, requests - help us learn and grow.
So, please lift a cyber-glass to toast with us today, and thank you for taking this journey with us!